Dr.Yogesh Muniswamy:-
- Morphometric study of atlas vertebrae in south Indian Population– Published in IJHSR: ISSN: 2249-9571
- Relation of Roots & Trunks of brachial plexus to scalenus anterior muscle and its clinical significance. IOSR-JDMS, e-ISSN: 2279-0853
- Integration of problem-based learning with conventional teaching for understanding anatomy among first-year medical students. IJHSR, ISSN: 2249-9571
1. Dr. Sathish Kumar NS:
- A Study on Effect of Indian Classical Music on Brain Activity Using EEG Signals. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE AND CLINICAL RESEARCH.JMSCR.2017 ( May); 5 (5):21702-21706.Indexed in index Copernicus
- Correlation of Hand Length and Height in the Residents of Kerala and Estimation of Height from Hand Length using Regression Equation. INDIAN JOURNAL OF 2018 (May-June); 7(3): 296-301.Indexed in Index Copernicus.
- Can parents ‘profession influence the attitude and competency among the first year medical Students? SOUTH – EAST INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION (SEAJME) 2018 (Dec); 12, (2): 45-50. Indexed in IMSEAR, Scholar, Academic Resource Index, Free Medicus, ICMJE, Geneva Foundation For Medical Education And Research, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Open Science Directory, DRJI, NLM Catalog.
- A Simple Method of Demonstrating Cell Sizes To Life Sciences Students. National Journal of Basic medical Sciences. NJBMS/ Voll ; Issue3/ Jan-Mar 2011:133-136.www.njbms.com[ Indexed by Google Scholar, Scopus, Hansen MedAbs, Index Copernicus]
- Do Hypertensives have a Tendency for Lessor Hemoglobin Concentration? National Journal of Basic medical Sciences. NJBMS/ Voll: 2/Oct-Dec 2010:65-69 njbms.com [Indexed by Google Scholar ,Scopus, Hansen,Medabs,Index Copernicus]
- Consumption of “STRESSED MILK” Resulting in “STRESSFUL CHILD”. Iranian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas. Irn J Med Hypotheses Ideas, 2011; 5:2 [Indexed by Copernicus,
- The Rationale behind wearing Strings of Jasmine Flower by the Lactating South Indian Women. Iranian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas. Irn J Med Hypotheses Idea,2011 ;5:6 [ Indexed By Index Copernicus]
- A Comparative Study of Blood Pressure, Heart rate Variability and Metabolic Risk factors In Software Professionals. NJPPP.2011; 1(2):51-56. Indexed by Scope Med, Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, Indian Sciences Abstracts, Open J-gate, Index Copernicus International, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, NewJour, PSOAR, Inform India, IndMedica, EBSCO].
- A Study Of Meat Consumption On cardfio- Metabolic Risk factors In Pre-Menopausal
2) Dr. Nazima Thaseen:-
Erythrocyte profile in cord blood of newborns to diabetic and Non Diabetic mothers
Dr.Nazima Thaseen1*,
Received: 15-11-2020 Accepted: 31-12-2020
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences/February 2021/Vol 98/Issue 2
3) Dr. Shilpa M:-
Empathy in Medical Education: Does it need to be taught? Students Feedback on AETCOM module of Learning
Shilpa M1 Shilpa2
Received: 23-11-2020Accepted: 15-12-2020
National Journal Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Dr. H Prathapchandra Kedilaya:-
1. Saliva-based diagnostics can decrease generation of potentially infectious, pathological waste International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences review and research 2013;22(2):66-68
Dr . H.P Kedilaya-Dept. Of Biochemistry. (International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.7)
2. H. BMI is the best Anthropometric Index to predict cardiovascular diseases in young adult females. International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences review and research 2013; 22(1): 188-191
Greeshma B Kotian, Dr. H.P Kedilaya
3. Review Paper published “Salivary Tumor markers –A Review”
Vaishali Rai, Vinitha R. Pai H.P Kedilaya International Journal of Biological Sciences (IJPCBS) 2013, 3(3), 510-520 (International Journal; Impact Factor: 0)
4. Research Article Published “Preliminary phytochemical screening of members of the Lamiaceae family: Leucas Linifolia, Coleus aromaticus and Pogestemon patchouli” Vaishali Rai M, Vinitha Ramanath Pai, Dr.H.P Kedilaya 21(1), July-Aug 2013; n0 22-131-137
5. “A comparative study of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) using Sodium citrate and EDTA”, Dr.H.P Kedilaya, Shruthi Kumuta, Girish Nayak International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IJPBS), 2011, Vol.1Issue 4,393-396.ISSN:0970 2067.
6. Detection of increased saliva-C-Reactive Protein levels in preeclampsia woman, Journal of Advance Researchers in Biological Sciences 2011; 3(2): 51-54(National). Dr.H.P Kedilaya
7. Salivary C- reactive protein in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and s acute thyroiditis. International Journal of Inflammation 2010 vol.2010, Article ID 514659, 5 pages, DOI: 10.4061//2010/4659 (International). Dr.H.P Kedilaya,
8. Relation of anthropometry to CVD risk factors in young obese women. Biomedical Research; 2005, 16(2), p137-141(National) Dr.H.P Kedilaya
9. Oxidant status and lipid profile in vegetarians and fish eaters. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemestry2005, 20(1), p 103-108, (National) Dr.H.P Kedilaya
10. Oxidant and antioxidant status in vegetarians and fish eaters. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2003, 18 (2), p 197-205. . Dr.H.P Kedilaya
Dr. K Jagadeesh
1. Study of Neuromuscular blockade action of verapamil in Albino rates.
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Vol-7(8).2013
2. Anti-Inflammatory effect of Azadirachta Indicia ( Neem) in Albino rates- An experimental study
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy Vol: 4 Issue 1(January 2014)
3. Evolution of the wound healing effect jasminumgrandiflorum by wound contraction studies and wound braking strength
IJBCP January –February 2014, Vol3, Issue 7
4. Evolution of the wound healing effect jasminumgrandiflorum in albino rates by histopathological studies
IJRMS January-March 2014, Vol 2, ssue1
5. Thought control study of medical students in Shimoga Institute of Medical Science (SIMS)
IJRMS January-March 2014Vol 2, ssue1
6. Analgesic effect of Azadirachta Indica (Neem) in albino rates
RRJMHS Vol 3. Issue 1 Jan-march 2014
7. Antispasmodic activity of Calotropis Procera leaf extract-An invitro study in rat colon
IJRPP April-June 2014 Vol 3, issuee2
8. Spasmolytic Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Calotropis Procera leaves on in –vitro guinea pig ileum.
APJHS June-2014 2014; Vol1 Issue 2
9. In- Vitro Study on Spasmolytic Activity of Calotropis Procera in rabbit Jejunum.
IJPRHS Volume 2 issue 3, 2014.
10. Study of Rationality of Prescriptions & Analysis of Drugs Prescribed Among in – Patients of Mc-Gann Teaching Hospital, SIMS, Shimoga, Karnataka India
IOSR-JDMS Volume 13, Issue7 Ver III July 2014
11. Evolution of Hypoglycaemic activity of neem (azadirachtaindica) in albino rates
IOSR-JDMS Volume 13, Issue
12. Review Article:
Lithium a Gold Standard mood Stabilizer-Renal Failure a Hindrance in Use
IJPPR- Journals Volume-1 Issue-4 November 2014
13. Evolution of Wound Healing Potential of Tephrosia Purpurea (GalegaPurpurea) & In Comparison with Dexamethasone Induced Antihealing Effects in Albino rates.
IOSR- JDMS Volume 13 Issue12 Ver. V Dec.2014
14. Efficacy of Chloroquine against Escherichia Coli and Proteus vulgaris: An in vitro Study
SJAMS2 (6C), 2014.
15. A Study of Prescription Pattern of Antibiotics in Pediatric In-Patients of Mc-Gann Teaching Hospital Shimoga Institute Of Medical Sciences (SIMS), Shimoga, Karnataka
IOSR-JDMS Volume 13, Issue 12 Ver, IV Dec.2014
16. Review Article : Medication Error: A Preventable Error IJPPR Journals Vol.:2, Issue: 2 January 2015
17. A invitro study of efficacy of Chloroquine of against pseudomonas and staphylococci EJPMR 2014:2(2)
18. Review Article: Toxic epidermal a severe cutaneous adverse drug reaction IJBCP January –February 2015 Vol4 Issue 1.
19. Study on self-medication among 2nd year medical students IJBCP January –February
2015, Vol4 Issue1
20. Review Article : Phytonutrients: Add Colors to Diet For Better Health AJPTI 2015, Vol-3 Issue10
21. Review Article: Metal poisoning: A Brief Overview IJPPR March 2015 Vol. :2 Issue:4
22. Review Article: Mood Disorders IJPLS March-April 2015 5 (2)
23. Clinical Efficacy And Safety Of Lactitol Versus Lactulose In The Treatment Of Constipation IJPLS March-April 2015 5(2)
24. Review Article: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Lost In Space IJPLS May-June 2015
25. A Study on Anti Inflammatory Activity Of Thiazolo of Thiazolo Sydnones In Albino Rates IJRP April-June 2015 4 (2)
26. Effect Of Topical Tazoretene In Comparison To Topical Corticosteroids On Serum Proteins In Chronic Plaque Psoriasis IJRP April-June 2015 4(2)
Awareness of Eye donation among Allied Health Students in Mangalore
Shreedhar NC1, Siddramappa Gouda2
Pattern of Burns Cases Brought to Mortuary, Basaveshwara Medical College and, District Government Hospital, Chitraduga
Chandan. V Shreeedhar. N.C, Venu R.P.
Received on 22-01.2020 Accepted 12-05-2020
JKALMS Vol 29(1) Jan-Jun 2020
Retrospective study of pattern of suicides in south Bengalaru
Vishwakanth B 1a, Shreedhar NC1b
Received on 21-010-2019 Accepted on 25-04-2019
1) Dr.Padmaprsad MR
a) Correlation of Blood Sugar Level with clinical Manifestation of Peripheral neuropathy in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Dr.Srinvas HD, Dr.Padma Prasad MR
Received: 03-04-2019, Accepted: 09-03-2019, Published 13-04-2019
2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
b) Clinical and Hematological Profiler of patients with Dengue Fever-A prospective Study
Dr .Srinvas HD, Dr.Padma Prasad MR
Received: 06-03-2019, Accepted: 17-03-2019, Published 13-03-2019
2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
c) Organophosphorus poisoning Leading to Myocardial Injury-A Cross Sectional in Rural Area
Received: 03-03-2019, Accepted: 19-03-2019, Published 30-03-2019
2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
d) Pulmonary Hypertension in Patient Suffering From Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Dr. Srinvas HD, Dr. Padma Prasad MR Received: 02-04-2019, Accepted: 07-03-2019, Published 13-04-2019
2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
2) Dr. Srinivasa Gowda H D
a) Clinical and Hematological Profile of Patients with Dengue Fever- A Prospective Study
Dr .Srinvas HD, Dr.Padma Prasad MR
Received: 06-03-2019, Accepted: 17-03-2019, Published 30-03-2019
2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
b) Pulmonary Hypertension in Patient Suffering From Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Received: 02-04-2019, Accepted : 07-03-2019, Published 13-04-2019
2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
c) Correlation Of Blood Sugar Level with Clinical manifestation of Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Dr .Srinvas HD, Dr.Padma Prasad MR Received: 03-04-2019, Accepted: 9-03-2019, Published 13-04-2019 2019 published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
d) Organophosphorus Poisoning Leading to Myocardial Injury- A Cross Sectional Study in Rural Area
Dr .Srinvas HD, Dr.Padma Prasad MR Received: 03-03-2019, Accepted: 19-03-2019, Published 30-03-2019 2019 Published by scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, and United Arab Emirates
Dr.Mahesha BM:-
a) To detect myocardial ischemic zones on CMR in relation to degree of coronary artery stenosis and to correlate with major adverse cardiac events in 9 months follow up period. Mahesha M Bannur & Amogh K Mallikarjunappa Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance volume 15 article Number: E64 (2013)
b) Multislice CT (MSCT)-a new tool for Non-Invasive evaluation of coronary artery disease. Journal of post-graduation medical education, Research training NBE volume III NO 1-2, May June 2008-page 74 Keshav P Raichurkar. BM Mahesha
c) Diagnostic approach to idiopathic interstitial pneumonias – Journal of post graduate medical education, Research training NBE Volume III No 5 Sept-Oct 2008-Page 46 Keshav P Raichurkar. BM Mahesha.
d) Case reports by post graduate students –a case of cystic metastatis to liver from primary melanoma-NBE Journal
Amerada, Keshav Raichrkar, BM Mahesha
Dr.Arjun A:-
The Study of Cellulitis in Non-Diabetic
E-ISSN: 2616-3470
P-ISSN: 2616-3462
Received: 17-06-2020
Accepted: 27-07-2020
International Journal of Surgery science 2020; 4(3):208-210
To Study the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with dyspepsia undergoing upper gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Received: 04-05-2020
Accepted: 07-06-2020
International Journal of Surgery science 2020; 4(3):208-210